Thursday, July 15, 2010

Heading into the bush

It is just a few days until I get on a big "bird" and fly to the other side of the chaplain of a group of seven, including me, to experience pilgrimage in the country of Malawi. Don't know where it is? Well, Google a map of Africa and look southeast. Where we are going (in the southern part of the country) is completely surrounded by Mozambique, which is just north of South Africa. It is one of the poorest, most destitute countries of the world, plagued by AIDS and therefore, there are many orphans.
The Diocese of Texas signed a concordant agreement with the Diocese of Southern Malawi in January -- we are now "Sister" dioceses. We go to meet our brothers and sisters in Christ, to rejoice with them in the love of Christ, and to see how we might help them with worldly needs while they teach us how to love. You see, from what I know about the Malawian people, they don't have a bunch of "stuff" as we do here in the States, but they are overflowing with the love Christ calls us to live in. I think that they know more than we about real living.
I may be unable to post while I'm there -- I don't know what access I will have to wifi and the web, but know that my thoughts and prayers are with you all while I am across the world.
When their bishop, the Right Rev. Bishop James Tengatenga came to St. Paul's a few months ago, one of my parishioners asked him, "What will Judith do when she is in Malawi?" Bishop James replied, "Well, I hope she encounters God there." I, too, hope to encounter God among these beautiful, loving people. Please pray for our group while we are there. We all believe God is calling us to this place, and will help us realize how He wants us to be family together.

1 comment:

t.l.h.heller said...

well you're THERE by now, and you probably won't be able to read this post until you get back, but i am absolutely certain you encountered God there just like you do so beautifully here--looking at faces and sensing the Presence! you took a lot of shots and packed a lot of things that would keep you out of trouble with the invisible world of organisms -- which is a variation on the Presence i suppose since itz EVERYWHERE :) even in bugs. i hope it all works and that you come back healthy and full of stories and pictures! i already KNOW you have made a lot of people smile and feel the Grace. it's what YOU DO! love you. T