Monday, August 18, 2008

What am I doing here?

I never thought I'd blog, much less have my own space in which to do it. Never thought I was much of a writer or deep thinker, or had many thoughts worth sharing with anyone out there in the ether. But here I am. The reason for making the effort is that I have been so impressed with other bloggers, specifically the ladies on revgalblogpals, that I've wanted to be in touch with them. And the only way to do that is to be a blogger! So here goes....
I am a recently ordained transitional deacon of the Episcopal variety, in my early 60's. I pastor a small mission church in central Texas. These people are so special, and I am very blessed to have been assigned by the bishop to this place.  Being with them and ministering to them in the deepest moments of their lives, sharing with each other during times of sunshine and of shadow is such an honor. The liturgy of the Church is my highest joy, and I look forward to my priestly ordination so that I may bless the sacraments.
However, sermon writing is the hardest thing I do! It is such a responsibility to glean the pearls of wisdom from each scripture reading, and to find ways to share those pearls that provide insights for learning. Finding ways to use the messages of the ages in living our daily lives. It is very intimidating and awe-ful to me that I have been given this task. Much prayer and research are the foundations to each week's preparation, and the writing takes forever! The preaching part is fun, once the thoughts have worked their way into some semblance of order.
Enough for now. I'm not sure how often I will add a posting. Perhaps some of those hard-to-birth sermons will make in onto this site. Perhaps questions about ministry, or even family life. Who knows where this will lead? But it is a beginning....Rev Jude

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Jude,
I think this is a great never know how the Spirit will enter into the conversation.
I am a children's minister and, talk about an awesome responsibility. The impression these babies have of God and the Kingdom may rely on words out of my mouth. I think the main thing we need to always remember is that we're not doing this alone. Thank God for God.